If you see information on your credit reports you believe is incomplete or inaccurate, a good first step is to contact the lender or creditor directly. This is especially helpful if the information involves your name or address. Updating your personal information with lenders and creditors can help ensure the information reported to the three nationwide credit bureaus—Equifax, Experian and TransUnion – is correct.
If you need to dispute information with the credit bureaus, the fastest way to do so is online. You’ll need to file a dispute separately with each credit bureau.
You can file a dispute on the following sites:
To assist with your dispute, you may need to upload documents. Please click here to review documents that may be helpful and, at times, required.
Most dispute investigations are completed within 30 days, and you will receive a notification once your investigation is complete.
Click here if you would prefer to dispute information via mail or phone.
To learn more about how the dispute process works, please click here.