Credit Monitoring Update

Since 2015, the U.S. Office of Personnel Management has offered credit monitoring and identity protection services at no charge to individuals impacted by the personnel records and background investigations cyber incidents. I am writing to let you know of an upcoming service provider change that will affect a subset of the individuals impacted by these incidents.

OPM has taken steps to ensure that while this change is occurring there are no gaps in identity restoration and identity theft insurance coverage. Most impacted individuals will not need to take any action and can keep their current services, while others may need to enroll with a new provider if they want to continue to use credit monitoring services.

For more information about this provider change, and about the 2015 OPM cybersecurity incidents, please visit our Cybersecurity Resource Center at

Am I affected by this change?

Two service providers, ID Experts (MyIDCare) and Winvale/CSID, currently support impacted individuals. ID Experts (MyIDCare) currently makes coverage available to 97 percent of the total population impacted by the cyber incidents.

This change is the first step in OPM’s efforts to extend coverage to all impacted individuals to 10 years. We will continue to provide you with credit monitoring and identity protection services updates. In addition, there are steps everyone can take to protect against identity theft, fraud, and other online crimes and malicious activity. For more information visit Stop.Think.Connect™.

Thank you for your service to the American people.

Beth Cobert
Acting Director, Office of Personnel Management