I-81 Project Library
Documents produced throughout the course of the I-81 Viaduct Project environmental review process are archived here. Study reports and other documents produced during the earlier I-81 Corridor Planning Study are available at that study’s website.
Record of Decision
Record of Decision
Appendix A - Response to Comments
Addendum to Appendix A of the ROD 2022-June
I-81 FDR, FEIS Comment Submissions
Find your comment and response from the FDR, FEIS.
I-81 FDR, FEIS Comment Submissions - A through C
I-81 FDR, FEIS Comment Submissions - D through K
I81 FDR FEIS Comment Submissions L through Nolan
I-81 FDR, FEIS Comment Submissions - NYCLU
I81 FDR FEIS Comment Submissions O through R
I81 FDR FEIS Comment Submissions S and T
I-81 FDR, FEIS Comment Submissions - U through Z
Final Environmental Impact Statement
Final Environmental Impact Statement
Coordination Plan 04-2022
Coordination Plan 04-2022
I-81 Viaduct Project Repositories
I-81 Viaduct Project Repositories
I-81 Public Hearings
After the release of the DEIS, the I-81 Project team held public hearings. Rewatch each event here.
Draft Environmental Impact Statement
The Draft Envirnmental Impact Statement can also be found at local repositories. Find a location near you.
Draft Environmental Impact Statement
Preliminary Draft Environmental Impact Statement
NYSDOT published the project’s preliminary Draft Design Report / Draft Environmental Impact Statement on April 19, 2019. This document examines the potential environmental effects of the project’s proposed alternatives.
pDEIS - Cover Page and Table of Contents
pDEIS - Executive Summary
pDEIS - 1 - Introduction
pDEIS - 2 - Project Setting
pDEIS - 3 - Alternatives
pDEIS - 4 - Construction Means and Methods
pDEIS - 5 - Transportation and Engineering Considerations
pDEIS - 6 - Social, Economic, and Environmental Considerations
pDEIS - 6.1 - Introduction
pDEIS - 6.2.1 - Neighborhood Character
pDEIS - 6.2.2 - Social Groups Benefited or Harmed
pDEIS - 6.2.3 - Environmental Justice
pDEIS - 6.3.1 - Land Acquisition, Displacement, and Relocation
pDEIS - 6.3.2 - Local and Regional Economies
pDEIS - 6.4.1 - Historic and Cultural Resources
pDEIS - 6.4.2 - Parklands and Recreational Resources
pDEIS - 6.4.3 - Visual Resources and Aesthetic Considerations
pDEIS - 6.4.4 - Air Quality
pDEIS - 6.4.5 - Energy and Climate Change
pDEIS - 6.4.6 - Noise
pDEIS - 6.4.7 - Water Resources
pDEIS - 6.4.8 - General Ecology and Wildlife Resources
pDEIS - 6.4.9 - Asbestos
pDEIS - 6.4.10 - Hazardous Waste and Contaminated Materials
pDEIS - 6.4.11 - Farmlands
pDEIS - 6.5 - Short-term Uses of the Environment Versus Long-Term Productivity
pDEIS - 6.6 - Irreversible and Irretrievable Commitment of Resources
pDEIS - 6.7 - Adverse Environmental Effects that Cannot Be Avoided or Adequately Mitigated
pDEIS - 7 - Draft Section 4(f) Evaluation
pDEIS - 8 - Summary of Alternatives
pDEIS - 9 - Agency Coordination and Public Outreach
pDEIS - 10 - Financing and Implementation
Appendix A-1-1: Viaduct Alternative - Highway Plans, Profiles and Typical Sections and Appendix A-1-2: Viaduct Alternative – Preliminary Structure Plans
Appendix A-1-3: Viaduct Alternative – Conceptual Construction Phasing and Maintenance and Protection of Traffic Plans
Appendix A-1-4: Community Grid Alternative – Highway Plans, Profiles and Typical Sections
Appendix A-1-5: Community Grid Alternative – NYSW Railroad Plans
Appendix A-1-6: Community Grid Alternative – Preliminary Structure Study Plans
Appendix A-1-7: Community Grid Alternative – Conceptual Construction Phasing and Maintenance of Protection of Traffic Plans
Appendix A-1-8: Conceptual Drainage Plans – Common to Both Alternatives
Appendix A-2 In Depth Bridge Inspection and Evaluation Reports
Appendix A-3-1: Non-Standard Features Table and Justification – Viaduct Alternative
Appendix A-3-2: Non-Conforming Feature Table and Justification – Viaduct Alternative
Appendix A-3-3: Non-Standard Feature Table and Justification – Community Grid Alternative
Appendix A-3-4: Non-Conforming Feature Table and Justification – Community Grid Alternative
Appendix A-4 Pavement Evaluation and Selection Report (PETSR)
Appendix A-5 Alternative Cost Estimates
Appendix A-6 Access Modification Report
Appendix A-6 Attachment 1
Appendix A-6 Attachment 2
Appendix B-1 Alternatives Evaluation Matrices
Appendix B-2 Tunnel Feasibility Study
Appendix B-3 Independent Tunnel Feasibility Study
Appendix B-3 - Independent Tunnel Feasibility Study Appendix A
Appendix B-3 - Independent Tunnel Feasibility Study Appendix B
Appendix B-3 - Independent Tunnel Feasibility Study Appendix C-D
Appendix B-3 - Independent Tunnel Feasibility Study Appendix E
Appendix B-3 - Independent Tunnel Feasibility Study Appendix F
Appendix B-3 - Independent Tunnel Feasibility Study Appendix G-H
Appendix B-3 - Independent Tunnel Feasibility Study Appendix I
Appendix B-3 - Independent Tunnel Feasibility Study Appendix J-K-L
Appendix B-3 - Independent Tunnel Feasibility Study Appendix M-N
Appendix B-4 Orange Tunnel Concept
Appendix C-1 Existing Traffic Control Devices
Appendix C-2 VISSIM Development and Calibration Report
Appendix C-3 Traffic Volumes and Level of Service
Appendix C-4 Crash Studies
Appendix C-5 Parking Study
Appendix C-6 Functional Classification for All Highways and Streets
Appendix D Conceptual Stage Relocation Plan
Appendix E-1 Area of Potential Effect
Appendix E-2-1 Architectural Resources Survey & Appendix A-B
Appendix E-2-1 Architectural Resources Survey Appendix C
Appendix E-2-1 Architectural Resources Survey Appendix D
Appendix E-2-1 Architectural Resources Survey Appendix E
Appendix E-2-1 Architectural Resources Survey Appendix F
Appendix E-3-1 Phase 1A Archeological Assessment Redacted
Appendix E-3-2 Phases 1A Appendix A
Appendix E-3-3 Phase 1A Appendix B
Appendix E-3-4 Phase 1A Appendix C
Appendix E-4 Appendix A Package
Appendix E-4 Appendix B Package
Appendix E-4 Appendix C Package
Appendix E-4 Appendix D Package
Appendix E-4 Appendix E Package
Appendix E-4 Appendix F Package
Appendix E-4 Draft Finding Document
Appendix E-5 Phase IB Archaeological Survey and Archaeological Monitoring
Appendix E-6 Draft Section 106 Memorandum of Agreement
Appendix E-7 Correspondence
Appendix E-4 Appendix F Package
Appendix F - Visual Impact Assessment Appendix A-B
Appendix F - Visual Impact Assessment Appendix C
Appendix F - Visual Impact Assessment Appendix D
Appendix G Air Quality
Appendix H – Noise Attachment A-C
Appendix H – Noise Attachment D-E
Appendix H – Noise Attachment F-G
Appendix H – Noise Attachment H-I
Appendix H – Noise Attachment J
Appendix H – Noise Attachment K-L
Appendix H – Noise Attachment M
Appendix H – Noise Attachment N-O
Appendix I - Water Resources
Appendix J-1General Ecology and Wildlife Resources Supplemental Methodology and Regulatory Framework
Appendix J-2 Ecological Communities and Vegetation
Appendix J-3 Wildlife Resources
Appendix J-4 NYSDEC Consultation
Appendix J-5 Endangered Species Act Section 7 Consultation
Appendix J-6 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Information for Planning and Consultation System (IPaC) Official Species Lists
Appendix J-7 References
Appendix K Asbestos Assessment
Appendix L Hazardous Materials – Section Nos. 1 to 4 and Figure Nos. 1 to 3
Appendix L Hazardous Materials – Attachments A. B, C, D and E are available at each of the Repositories
Appendix M - Agency Coordination and Public Involvement
Appendix N - Section 4(f)
Scoping Reports
I81 Scoping Report
I81 Scoping Report - Appendix A
I81 Scoping Report - Appendix B-1
I 81 Scoping Report - Appendix B-2
I81 Draft Scoping Report
Coordination Plan
This Coordination Plan for the Interstate 81 (I-81) Viaduct Project (“the Project”), located in the City of Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York, conforms to the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and specifically complies with the federal surface transportation law Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP‐21) Act of 2012.
Section 6002 of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) increased opportunities for the public and Federal, State, and local agencies to have active and early involvement in the NEPA process and to provide input on a project’s purpose and need, environmental study methodology, and alternatives under consideration. Section 6002 and 23 USC 139 require the development of a Coordination Plan for all highway and transit projects for which an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is being prepared under NEPA. Accordingly, the Federal Lead Agency (the Federal Highway Administration [FHWA]) and the Joint Lead Agency (the New York State Department of Transportation [NYSDOT]) have prepared this Coordination Plan to describe the process and communication methods followed to disseminate information about the Project, as well as to solicit and consider input from the public and other agencies.
This Coordination Plan has and will continue to be in effect throughout the environmental review process, beginning with the issuance of the Notice of Intent (NOI) to prepare an EIS for the Project and ending with the Record of Decision (ROD). The plan is a flexible, “living” document that can be amended as needed during the project environmental review process. Changes and updates to the plan will be documented in the “Revision History” section.